Friday, February 1, 2013

The End of a Journey

I begin this post by apologizing for the past two non post days.

Yesterday I woke up feeling sick and light headed to the point every time I stood I felt as though I would fall right back over again, and barely had the strength to hold my head up for long periods of time. I was awake for about two hours before I told a coworker I would not make it in to work. There was no way I could do manual labor in that state.

The day before yesterday, which would be the 30, I meant to write up a blog post for the 31, but I was eyeball deep in writing. Which brings me to the purpose of this post.

*deep breath* I. Finished. Mortality.

It's only draft one, but I finally did it. I've been working on Mortality on and off for ten years, and that is WAY too long to be working on something like that. I know that now, and it will never take me that long to finish something again.

But give me some credit, I was around the age of nine or ten when I first hatched upon the idea and started writing. I stuck with it for that long, it's kind of sad to see the end come.

However, whether it's the first draft of your first novel, or the first draft of your tenth, it's only the end of the beginning. After the first draft, comes editing.

I was going to begin my own editing yesterday after I finished changing my (flat) tire, but I decided after my shower that I was too tired to stand, much less look critically at my book. I went to bed. And woke up sick as mentioned above.

Now, however, I am feeling somewhat better, meaning I don't feel as though I am going to pass out any time soon. I plan on diving right into editing after only a days rest from it merely because I can't stand to wait!

This is a good feeling, one I hope every writer will persevere until they finally feel it as well.

I now can call myself an author, and not just a writer.


  1. Congratulations (again)! Ten years is a long time to write a novel but you at least took your time with your novel. Finishing any draft of a novel makes you feel awesome. It means you're one step closer to having a fully complete novel that is ready for people to read.

    Good luck with editing. Some people really hate this part of the process but I enjoy it a lot. It all depends on who you are, I guess.


    1. Thank you (again)!

      I don't think I could ever have not finished writing this novel. For two reasons 1) my mother would kill me. 2) It was the first large, long term project I have ever really stuck with.

      And, well, the characters and story took a hold of me!

      But I can't WAIT to start editing, I just wish I knew where.

    2. That's great! I know what you mean about that. There is one story in particular that I keep writing and writing. I started it six years ago and I'm still working on it. There is just something about my characters that I love. The story has a rather large plot line, this is why it's taking me so long to write.

      What do you mean? You don't know where to start editing? I took that last bit in three different ways, sorry.

      If I may ask, what is Mortality about? If you already posted it somewhere, then I'll just go look - never mind, I think I see it. Clearly, I need to explore your blog a little more.

      Did you do your own cover art? I like the simplicity of it. It's definitely something I'd pick up if I saw it.


    3. I know what you mean by large plot line... Mortality will have two sequels.

      And I did mean that I'm not sure where to start with editing, you got that right.

      The cover art was not done by me, but by an individual on either the NaNo boards or JulNo boards a couple years ago. I never did get a reply to whether or not s/he owned the rights to the images used, but it probably won't matter as I plan on getting Mortality published traditionally, I just wanted a cover. I agree, I do like the simplicity as well.

      Thank you (for reading and commenting)!

      ~C.R. Trumbo

    4. Hmm...I'd suggest starting from the very beginning, when it comes to editing. You'll figure your own way the more you edit. For now, it's probably best if you start from the first sentence and work your way to the end.

      You know your plot and what you want from your book so it will be easy for you to figure out what stays, what goes, and what needs to be fixed.

      Traditional publishing, huh? Any publishers, editors, or agents you want to query yet? I'm more of a self-published sort of person, so I don't know how to go about publishing the traditional way.

      Sorry for asking so many questions. I tend to do that a lot.


    5. Questions are no problem! I like questions!

      I honestly don't know anything about querying or where at or well, anything about that part of the business yet. I should probably start looking into it, huh?

      I think the whole reason for wanting to try traditional publishing is because it seems like it would lessen my years of work on this story and living with these characters if I simply self publish. I know that's not right, and whatnot, but I just want to try the traditional publishing route at least once (or thrice, considering it's a trilogy)

    6. I understand that. Self-publishing is a lot of work, from what I've researched so far. Actually, I heard that traditional publishing is usually a good way to start because it builds up your readers and you'll understand the world of publishing a little more. It still takes work though.

      Yes, it probably would be a good idea to look into querying and representation. From what I've read, writing the query letter is the hardest thing to do.

      Good luck with it! I'm sure you'll do well.

