So I've, for obvious reasons, NaNoWriMo on the brain.
So, how do I survive NaNoWriMo?
I have never passed the 50,000 word mark, but that will change this year. (But then again I said the same thing last year and during JulNoWriMo '12... well, this time I mean it.)
Everyone always talks about a Survival Kit. The stuff you HAVE to have for NaNoWriMo, or sometimes, writing in general.
Well, I have never typed up a list of what I consider MUST haves.
Really, if I did it'd be a short list.
Like, the only thing I need is my laptop (with wall charger).
BUT! Stuff that I prefer to have... that's another list entirely.
- Laptop
- Charger
- Notebooks
- Pens/Pencils
- Coffee/Tea/Caffeine
- Chocolate (dependent upon my mood)
- Nuts/Dried fruits (For some healthy snacking)
- Veggie platter (with ranch dip. Mmm)
- NaNo Notebook (different from regular notebooks in that it has all my planning)
- Blanket/Other warm clothing. (Our house is kept quite cool)
- Head phones
- I-pod (if I turn off the internet)
Hmm. I think that's about it for me. Like I said, I've never typed up a list.
So, that's what I will have to survive NaNoWriMo.
Happy Writing!
Food For Thought
What are your needs/must haves for writing?
What do you prefer to have?
Music or no music?
Good tips! :)